Sunday, November 4, 2007

a lie i told once

People tell me pretty frequently that I remind them of Ellen Degeneres, which I'm ok with. I'd much rather that then Rosie O'Donnell or Donald Trump for that matter.

All pet sensitivity issues aside, I really like Ellen and have for quite some time. So it was pretty flattering when complete strangers approached me on the streets of New Orleans one year during Mardi Gras and asked me to sign autographs.

At first I denied that I was Ellen, but after an hour of being intermittently approached, it was easier to just give the people what they wanted. The masquerade lasted 2 hours and 12 autographs and I think i did Ellen proud.

The guilt has plagued me for years so I thought it was only right that my first post officially and publically apologize to those that received fake Ellen Degeneres autographs at Mardi Gras 1998. I've come clean. It's that dawning of a new Era.

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