Monday, February 9, 2009


I just got news that a friend's grill was stolen in the wee hours of the night this weekend. At first I thought he was referring to his gold and diamond teeth set, but alas, he was referring to his enormous barbeque that used to reside on his patio.

These must have been professionals and to be honest I think this pretty much gets classified in the heist category. I'm sure the place was cased and the crime carefully plotted. I'm pretty sure they must have posed as movers with a rented truck due the sheer size of the aforementioned grill. A full-grown human could fit in this thing. Unbelievable.

The irony is that my friend had just nabbed the "Top Chef" title in part because of his grilled pork during an 8-hour amateur cooking competition on Sat. It's just SAD.

Look people, I know times are tough but for God's sake, get your own grill. My summer probably won't be the same now. Jerks.