Wednesday, February 13, 2008

inner kid

I spent Superbowl Sunday in Utah this year. In Heber City to be exact. The snow dumped pretty much the entire time we were there, making travel difficult in the non-snow-rated mini van that we rented. A group decision to spend the day at home had us searching for things to keep busy. And then it just happened.

Within 30 minutes our entire group was outside in snow gear PLAYING in the snow. I can't remember the last time I played in the snow. It was great. It was innocent (until Sarah started making Screwdrivers). It was like a true "school is closed for the day because of snow" day. There were snowballs thrown and buckets of snow dumped over people's heads. I had so much fun.

We all pitched in to make this amazing snow fort, though, truth be told...the real credit belongs to Cory, Dale and Doug for finishing it off and adding the snow slide. Yep, snow slide. You could walk up the notches in the side and slide right out the door. Made me realize how important it is to act like a kid sometimes.

Monday, February 11, 2008

mothers slow down

Controversial motherhood is "in" right now I guess, with Britney leading the pack. As my sister gears up to bring a new human into the family, I'm paying more attention to these lackluster mothers. So my head nearly exploded when I saw this...

Please slow down and please gain some weight. Please, for the sake of those around you.

Sunday, February 10, 2008


A friend of mine sent around this video a while ago and it made me think twice about my own consumption habits and not being wasteful (

So when I see signage in the window of an airport store announcing that I can buy elephant shit to carry with me on the flight home, I'm instantly baffled. It makes me want to help elephants open and run an operation that produces signage directing animals to stands the sell human feces for elephant consumption. Brilliant! Seriously though, who on earth buys this stuff?

It also makes me think...didn't those baby on board things go out of style a LONG time ago? The answer is possibly...however, I snapped this photo in October, 2007. Here's to hopes that baby on board products are NO longer being produced. I'm going to give mankind the benefit of the doubt and assume that all remaining BOB suctions in cars today are from the original fad.


I've been asked several times why I am still single. I think I figured it out yesterday.

I was hanging out with a person of interest when all of a sudden I blurted out with genuine enthusiasm..."WOW. We have the same coffee schedule!" after hearing his response to my very insightful question..."Are you addicted to coffee?". Reflecting on the comment, I realize I should have followed the comment with, "I carried a watermelon..."

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

practice what you preach

Cops, do me a favorite and shut your mouths. Seriously, don't pull out your statistics about how talking on cell phones causes accidents. You've lied and I've caught you; the hypocrisy!

I was rushing to an appointment (of course I was late) when I saw him. I was so astonished I couldn't even pinpoint the exact emotion. Then I realized I was just plain flabbergasted. I fear for our safety.