Friday, September 5, 2008

are you there readers, it's me, erin.

Here are the highlights of my past six months:
1. I became an aunt.
2. I have a niece.
3. My sister had a baby.
4. My mom became a grandmother.
5. My dad became a grandfather.
6. My grandmother became a great-grandmother.

It's seriously so unbelievable to me. Now I just have to get my sister's family unit to move west so I can see them more often.

Friday, April 18, 2008

stop going under the knife.

Dear Friends,

To those of you who are in the group who has elected to undergo surprise surgeries this year, STOP. You know who you are. Suddenly having parts of your bodies removed isn't as cool as it sounds. You make the rest of us worry about you. I'm sure I'm not the only one who is tired of it.



Sunday, March 2, 2008

if i could only remember...

What kind of car did you say you drove again? Oh yeah, that's right. A Miata.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

inner kid

I spent Superbowl Sunday in Utah this year. In Heber City to be exact. The snow dumped pretty much the entire time we were there, making travel difficult in the non-snow-rated mini van that we rented. A group decision to spend the day at home had us searching for things to keep busy. And then it just happened.

Within 30 minutes our entire group was outside in snow gear PLAYING in the snow. I can't remember the last time I played in the snow. It was great. It was innocent (until Sarah started making Screwdrivers). It was like a true "school is closed for the day because of snow" day. There were snowballs thrown and buckets of snow dumped over people's heads. I had so much fun.

We all pitched in to make this amazing snow fort, though, truth be told...the real credit belongs to Cory, Dale and Doug for finishing it off and adding the snow slide. Yep, snow slide. You could walk up the notches in the side and slide right out the door. Made me realize how important it is to act like a kid sometimes.

Monday, February 11, 2008

mothers slow down

Controversial motherhood is "in" right now I guess, with Britney leading the pack. As my sister gears up to bring a new human into the family, I'm paying more attention to these lackluster mothers. So my head nearly exploded when I saw this...

Please slow down and please gain some weight. Please, for the sake of those around you.

Sunday, February 10, 2008


A friend of mine sent around this video a while ago and it made me think twice about my own consumption habits and not being wasteful (

So when I see signage in the window of an airport store announcing that I can buy elephant shit to carry with me on the flight home, I'm instantly baffled. It makes me want to help elephants open and run an operation that produces signage directing animals to stands the sell human feces for elephant consumption. Brilliant! Seriously though, who on earth buys this stuff?

It also makes me think...didn't those baby on board things go out of style a LONG time ago? The answer is possibly...however, I snapped this photo in October, 2007. Here's to hopes that baby on board products are NO longer being produced. I'm going to give mankind the benefit of the doubt and assume that all remaining BOB suctions in cars today are from the original fad.


I've been asked several times why I am still single. I think I figured it out yesterday.

I was hanging out with a person of interest when all of a sudden I blurted out with genuine enthusiasm..."WOW. We have the same coffee schedule!" after hearing his response to my very insightful question..."Are you addicted to coffee?". Reflecting on the comment, I realize I should have followed the comment with, "I carried a watermelon..."

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

practice what you preach

Cops, do me a favorite and shut your mouths. Seriously, don't pull out your statistics about how talking on cell phones causes accidents. You've lied and I've caught you; the hypocrisy!

I was rushing to an appointment (of course I was late) when I saw him. I was so astonished I couldn't even pinpoint the exact emotion. Then I realized I was just plain flabbergasted. I fear for our safety.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

i won't tolerate it any longer

People, the white liquid full of proteins that tastes amazing with rich desserts is pronounced "mÄ­lk" in the English language. Please notice the spelling:


The letter after "M" is an "I". So why, you ask, do some people refer to this as melk...M-E-L-K?? I have no idea. I have tolerated this racket since I was a child and it has always bugged me.

So, I motion that any person who refers to the substance as MELK be mandated to participate in hooked on phonics as their sole form of entertainment from this day forth. If they can demonstrate that they have recovered from this grave error, we can release them into the world again, but until just isn't safe.

Monday, January 28, 2008

million dollar idea

How come breakfast is not included in the "meals that are delivered" category? The more I think about the more I realize how mealist this is. It just isn't fair!

If anybody reading out there would like to bring me a croissant sandwich with eggs, cheese and sausage I would not complain and I would tip you.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

golden red deliciousness

One of my favorite games is Apples to Apples. It's so good, just like the fruit after which the game is named. It's perfect because it doesn't take hours and it certainly is not brain-numbing.

Last weekend, one round of Apples to Apples put all previous games to shame. It was a total power play, and awaiting the final decision was more tense than awaiting Nadia Comaneci's uneven bar routing score in Montreal in 1976 (which was a 10 btw).

I'm so thankful I wasn't personally faced with this difficult decision. The 12 people actually in the room were on the edge of their seats and I'm almost certain all of Whistler Village stopped and sweated in anticipation. The pic says it all and in the end, the right decision was made.

jeremy appleseed

My friend Jeremy has numerous talents, one of which is eating an entire apple...almost to the point where there is nothing left. It's pretty ridiculous.

I'm a little more finicky when it comes to produce. I imagine I would starve should I ever be faced with my own "into the wild" situation. Jeremy would Lance. He would probably also start a profitable anklet line.

cornbread from pouch boycott

I'm trying to start an international "cornbread made from a pouch" boycott. Who's with me?

I have proof that disasters of incomprehensible proportions occur with the preparation of Marie Callender's Cornbread Pouches. There are enough terrible things going on in the world. Let's pull together and rid the world of this obvious trouble maker.

Exhibit A: I was asked to bring cornbread to a dinner party. Naturally, I thought a pouched mix was the way to go. BUT...when all was said and done, the cornbread turned out funny.... I was ridiculed and blacklisted from dinner parties all over Seattle.

Exhibit B: A group of us smuggled Marie Callender's Cornbread Pouches across the border to prepare a feast in Canada. The effort was sabotaged. It was messy.

I beg you all to please make a conscious decision next time you're at the grocery. Do not let this vile pouch into your cart or basket! Together we can conserve time, energy and SOS pads. Do it for the children.

**I in no way suggest the boycott of other flavored breads. Please keep consuming banana, pumpkin, cinnamon raisin and even zucchini breads. Let it be clear that the only war I wage is on Marie Callender's Cornbread (from a pouch).

Thursday, January 3, 2008

let's be honest...

It's time for the elderly to come clean about their age, because cashiers at an Oregon Dairy Queen aren't mind readers, ok?

good pet owners

In addition to picking up excrement, a good pet owner will share their holiday presents with their pet...especially kitsch.
While normally I'm not a fan of dressing pets, I made an exception this holiday season. Once I saw the look on Murray's face I couldn't help myself. He's thrilled! He's seriously having a really hard time containing his excitement about the new holiday socks...

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

pet owners

I understand and accept that Seattle is a "dog-friendly" city. I love dogs, even though I am a non-owner. But there is a point when dog owners become the shittiest type of human companions. For crying out loud...if you own a dog, part of the deal is that you also own the responsibility of picking up it's shit. Isn't that page one in the new puppy manual?

Needless to say I was less than thrilled when I almost stepped in this on my way to work. The one thing I admire is how it is perfectly centered on the sidewalk.

**this post is dedicated to saldie.