Thursday, January 29, 2009


why do people litter? i just don't get it.

i certainly understand the "this can no longer be my problem" mentality, which is what led me to end a handful of relationships. But those were people, not paper, hair ties or used condoms. It is so perplexing that people find it that difficult to carry a piece of paper two blocks to the nearest bin. Condoms are a different story I guess but that's the responsibility that comes along with using one outside.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I dated a girl once who threw an empty soda can right into the woods along side a pristine hiking trail that we were enjoying. I was so shocked that a person could do that - I almost crapped my pants. I mean, she didn't even try to hide it. WHERE WAS SHE FROM?? Manila, it turns out. That's just normal there. I was appalled. But imagine this...

I grew up in the woods, and so I used to see the entire city as a big garbage pile. I would never litter in the beautiful woods, but in the city, I figured it didn't make much difference, since it's all "litter" anyway, as compared to lush ferns, mossy logs and unmolested cedar trees.... I would have no problem stashing my trash in a planter box or stuffing it into a crack in a wall. In fact, creativity in where you dispose your garbage used to be desirable, in my stupid brain. I'd happily cram a burger wrapper down the top of a hollow fence post.

I've since come to believe that it's just nicer to not be surrounded by garbage. It's that simple. It's not right or wrong, or one thing or another... it's just nicer to not be surrounded by garbage. That's all. And for god's sake, scoop your dog's poo. I HATE seeing those nasty piles all over the sidewalk. Poo is gross. Even animals know that.